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Ngee Ann Polytechnic

Course - Product Design & Innovation

2019 - 2022

Through the time I spend in Ngee Ann Poly was precious and fun. I made lots of friends and learned many things from them.

WhatsApp Image 2021-06-12 at 5.33.40 PM.
WhatsApp Image 2021-04-15 at 7.09.05 PM.

Sengkang Secondary School

2015 - 2018

The years I spend in my secondary school was the best experience and one of the best and happiest memories I had. I made an unforgettable group of friends that supported me through secondary school till now. I am really grateful to have them in my life.

Sky Chorale

2015 - 2018

Choir was my CCA in secondary school. During that time I made lots of memories and found interest in performing arts. The experience there taught me a lot about leadership and self-confidence, overall it was a fruitful experience I would not forget.

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